Care for mystery snail


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
Hello! I'm wondering what you guys use to keep your mystery snail shell looking healthy.
I've no trouble keeping shrimp and nerites but these have been hard to keep.
Hello! I'm wondering what you guys use to keep your mystery snail shell looking healthy.
I've no trouble keeping shrimp and nerites but these have been hard to keep.
My well water has a lot of calcium and magnesium. This helps to maintain shell integrity. There are supplements you can purchase which do the same thing. My mystery snails have grown enormous with beautiful intact shells.
I read somewhere, or saw on some video comments perhaps, that putting some pieces of eggshells also helps with the minerals the snails need for their own shells
I had mine in with rainbowfish and the pH was around 8.0, the GH was about 200ppm and the KH was high too.
I read somewhere, or saw on some video comments perhaps, that putting some pieces of eggshells also helps with the minerals the snails need for their own shells
I had mine in with rainbowfish and the pH was around 8.0, the GH was about 200ppm and the KH was high too.
yeah, the reason I failed to raise these snails last time was because the fish would steal everything I tried to feed the snails and the tank was so big I cannot even find the snails half the time.

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