cardinal tetras IMO are pretty hardy BUT they have to pass the first 3 weeks in your tank
If your gonna buy do what GF thought me to do
1) take as much time as possible when selecting cardinals from your LFS, ask how long they have been swimming in the tank
pick the strong colored ones that look healthy
2) SLOOOOWLLYYYY acclimate them to your tank
(i spent almost 2 hours acclimating them in total darkness, slowly pouring water into the bag, bit by bit every 15 mins or so
3) as much as possible dont stress them until they get used to your tank
I did not open my tank lights for almost 2 days when i got cardinals
4) the more they are the merrier they are
honestly i think that buying more cardinals is better then buying them slowly (for a cycled tank of course) as long as your tank's bio load can take it
buy at least 5 to keep them nice and comfy
5) check if your water params can support cardinals
thats all i know on how to keep em alive and healthy