Background: purchased cardinals 2 weeks ago, after about 5 days, they dispersed all over the tank and refuse to school. they are quite happy and are not hiding, just swimming with other fish. I bought them to have a school.
Fish:11 cardinals, 3 saes, 3 columbian tetras, 2 corys, 1 angel, 2 black phantoms, 1 oto, 1 mollie, 4 GB rams, nerite snails
Tank: well planted 29 gal, 130 watts corallife, co2 DIY
Parameters: 76 temp, 6.3 ph, 1.7 kh, 11.2 gh
Fish:11 cardinals, 3 saes, 3 columbian tetras, 2 corys, 1 angel, 2 black phantoms, 1 oto, 1 mollie, 4 GB rams, nerite snails
Tank: well planted 29 gal, 130 watts corallife, co2 DIY
Parameters: 76 temp, 6.3 ph, 1.7 kh, 11.2 gh