Cardinals In 10 Gallon Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington
Yesterday I introduced 5 cardianls in my 10 gal, one of them came down with a wee bit of white spot so have him in quarantine. Surprisingly none have died, but there is one that has like a pinkish discoloration that is perpendicular to his red stripe. Is this just genetic? He acts fine.

do you think I could add some rummy nose? I would like another type of middle fish to help the Cardinals school a little tighter. How many do you think i could get? Or should i even get any rummy nose?

10 gallon
5 cardinals
2 marble hatchetfish
1 cory

thanks for the help :)
If the carnidal has a fade in the red stripe it is usually a sign of bad water

soo... jsut do more water changes and that should go away.

No you can not add any more cardianl or rummynose untel you get

at least 3 more corys and 3 more hachets, seeing that hachets shool

5+ and cory need to be in a school of at least 4+ of there same kind.

After added that you'll be over stocked and should invest in a larger tank

or return your hachets and just get some more corys.

If the carnidal has a fade in the red stripe it is usually a sign of bad water

soo... jsut do more water changes and that should go away.

No you can not add any more cardianl or rummynose untel you get

at least 3 more corys and 3 more hachets, seeing that hachets shool

5+ and cory need to be in a school of at least 4+ of there same kind.

After added that you'll be over stocked and should invest in a larger tank

or return your hachets and just get some more corys.


I'm pretty sure the water is good, I've been doing 25% water changes every weekend and the other cardinals have been doing really well. even the ick 1 is alright, but separated.
I've been watching closely and the card with the pale patch doesn't school. I'll return him to the petshop.

i'll get some more cory's, since the bottom region isn't too inhabited and they don't exactly apply as mcuh to the 1inch 1 gallon rule. What if i get rid of my hatchets and have 4 corys 5 cards and ????? rummy's?

or should i just get some more hatchets/ new upper region fish?
they both died. The one with one or two little ick - lets and the one with the pale patch
other 3 are doing fine :/

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