Cardinals Have Swollen Bellies


Mar 2, 2011
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i noticed last night that my cardinals have very swollen white bellies. these have suddely got bigger and some are bigger than others. this morning i looked in with the light off and they were all hovering around low almost skimming the sand.

could it be as i have just started feeding them twice a day rather than once? are they just full up?
Yes, it could be.

No new fish additions in the last 3 months? What do you feed to them and other fish? What size are the cardinals? How long does it take for the fish to finish all food?
they were the first fish added 3 weeks ago, have added two lots of fish since then.

18th feb added;

these 4 cardinals,
3 beacons,
3 scissor tails

25th feb added,
4 emperor tetra
2 popendettas
3 dwarf frogs

2nd march took the 3 beacons back to shop and added.
3 emperors
1 more scissor tail

since the last addition i have been feeding twice a day.

they consume within about 30 secs max each time, have added bloodworms in between for frogs but the fish including cardinals have nibbbled them too. i feed flakes and they are small in size
you may just be noticing the females carrying eggs. My females are f.a.t., they also scatter the eggs, mainly in the morning.
Can you get a photo of them?

It could just be the food, could be eggs, could be constipation or even internal parasites.
I keep cardinals and have noticed that their bellies swell when they have eaten! I would cut the feeding down to once a day they dont really need more than that.
these arent them but it is very similar to these 2316_Danio_2_1.jpgtetra.jpg
That sort of bloating is definitely indication of problem. Try cutting down feeding to once per day again (as mentioned above) and see how they do from there.
They may be constipated. Try a blanched pea with the skin off - crush it into very fine pieces.

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