Cardinals disaster

Feb 13, 2004
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Well my tank was cycled by the end of last week, and as you might have read on other threads, I added some cardinals and otos on Saturday. I was working away for the first few days this week, and when I rang home each time I was told that the numbers of cardinals appeared to be getting less every day. :( Got home last night and sure enough, there were missing fish. But, I thought, I cycled it! Then I found the reason...

I used to keep marines in this tank; it's never held FW. It's got a sump, and the water flows through little slits in the top over a weir, onto a pre-filter sitting on top of a perforated plastic shelf, then down the corner into the sump. Those little slits were too small for any fish I've had in the tank before to get through - but not for little tetras, and I found the missing fish washed up on top of the pre-filter. I can't believe I didn't think about that! :no: I tested the water anyway and it was fine; ammonia/nitrite/nitrate all at zero. Realised I needed to stick some sort of fine net or something over the gaps, but I didn't have any sealant to stick it down with, so I'm going to get some this lunchtime. In the meantime I managed to wedge some filter floss over it last night, and thankfully this morning none of the others had got through. But it's too late for those I lost :byebye: and I feel so BAD!

The other fish did try to cheer me up last night, though. My remaining four cardinals, and my three otos all look really happy and were playing together in the current. I never knew otos were such CUTE fish :wub: - I know they have a reputation for not lasting long but they seem to have settled in so I've got everything crossed for them! I had a good look in the shop before bringing them home, but somehow I missed the fact that one of them is missing an eye. However it doesn't seem to bother him and he's as busy as the rest. He and one of the other otos spend a lot of time together, playing around; I think I need to get another to keep the other one company!
sorry about your fish........ we did a similar thing ..had seen our little yoyo madly trying to swim into our filter outlet but he never seemed to get close enough, we kept on meaning to put some net over it just in case but didnt get around to it..until the yoyo went missing & we finally found him stuck & dead inside :-( .....we felt terrible so really understand how you feel. as they say you live & learn - especially by your mistakes.
Yes, live and learn as you say. I've now got some fine plastic netting tied tightly over the intake so hopefully no more fishies going over the top.
Have to say that you might want to be careful with cardinals in a new tank, they don't take to it well usually. Most recomment the tank being set-up for 6 months before adding any.

Srry for your loss :(
Thanks CS. Yes, I know that cardinals in a new tank is a bit of a risk. However, none of the fish on my fish plan are really "starter" fish - the others being rummy noses, rams, corys, otos and a bristlenose or two, leaving me a bit of a puzzle as to what to put in first. So I made sure that the water quality would be good, using RO water, and also lots of live plants, and got it well cycled before adding them; I've had no ammonia/nitrite spike since. I spent over an hour putting them in, and they've got plenty of hiding places. They've been out and about a lot, so hopefully they'll be okay - time will tell.
Sorry to hear about that. Lets see some pictures sounds like a nice tank.
I'd love to see some pics of the cardinals. I can't even get them in the area I live.
I will get some pics, but I've got an early bloom of hair algae at the moment that I'm trying to get on top of - once I've started to cut that back that I'll post some. :)
How are the remaining cardinals doing? I am setting up a tank soon and I wanted to put my cardinals in it, but I was worried about how long the tank needs to have been running. There will be a mature filter running so I am hoping they will be ok.

The other four seem fine at the moment, thanks, all very active and feeding well. :thumbs: Hope they stay that way! - I'll probably get a few more in the next week or two to replace those that I lost.
I got a goldfish who's tail got sucked by the filter, no idea how it happened. :no:
Good luck with your other fish and sorry for those who died. :no:
Sorry for your Lost.. :( I'm glad to hear that the rest of your fish is doing good...I had the same experience before when i had my 10 g and all my neons got suck by the filter intake and I found them swimming in filt inside the filter itself...i can't believe that they manage to survive in that environment..well not for long they all died one by one a few days later...

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