Cardinall Fish Setup Advice


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2010
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my150 gallon marine tank has passed the nitrogen cycle and is full of live rock corals and anenomes
and special furry algea(forgot the name)

i want to set it up with pajama and bangaii cardinal fish as well as a copper banded butterfly fish

*this is my first marine tank

any advice woud be handy
When you say anenomes do you mean aiptasia ? or anenomes you have bought yourself?
I'm a little confused here. Besides live rock, what livestock do you have in the tank?
Adding anemones is way too sudden..
What type are they?
no live stock
anenomes were just called anenomes at the store
they look like

2 pure white ones
3 white ones that get pupler at the tips
2 yellowy ones that have thiner tentacles
We would love to see some photos please.

My muckers here on the salty side are concerned for you and your tank as the advice would be never put anemones in a new tank - tank should have be running for at least six months. The next piece of advice is never put anything in a salty tank that you haven't researched first or that you don't know what they are.

So, my advice would be, first take the nems back and then change the lfs you are using.

Really glad to have you onboard here, let us help you start a successful reef

Seffie x
tank size(cm) 170 long 60 wide 60 high
at the moment it is 9 weeks since i started and the nitrogen cycle finished about a week ago
there is no live stock and no anenomes now only turtleweed

my fish plans are:
pajama cardinals
bangaii cardinals
a copper banded butterfly fish
few long nose hawkfish

anenome and coral plans:

condylactis gigantea(pink tipped anenome)
heteractis magnifica (magnificent anenome)
axinella species(orange cup sponge)
haliclona compressa(red tree sponge)
tubastrea aurea(orange polyp coral)
pacillopora damicornis(raspberry coral)

these are ny plans :)
Thats a brilliant sized tank :good: over 600L ?

What is your filtration system, lights etc?

Re: Anemones - you would normally keep only one type in a tank as keeping different species together will end up in each of the species releasing toxins to kill the other - toxic warfare :crazy:

Is this your first marine tank?

And of course - can we see some photos, please :fun:

Seffie x
All I can say is Anenomes need some very speacial care do a lot of reasearch I personally dont keep one and after reasearching them I do not intend to keeep one

150 Gallons of cardials would be a bit boring (excuse my blutness) they jusy hang there!

If you decide to get an anenome I would recomend getting a hosting one and add a pair of Clowns and if you want a shoal of fish look at Anthias or Chromis with reaserch of course.
Would echo what has been said previously about anemones. They require zero nitrates and do not get on well with powerheads, as they can get sucked into them and the resulting toxins are very harmful.
Also what lighting will you be using as that will determine coral choice.
Good luck with your plans
hi this is my first marine tank

filtration: Azoo Fluidized Bio Filter 750lt
lighting: aqualina quad flouresent

ill only go with one anenome then
my new fish list:
pajama cardinals
bangaii cardinals
a copper banded butterfly fish
few long nose hawkfish
few clownfish
yellow tang
few green chromis

still trying to figure out my new camera i got yesterday will have a photo soon

thanx for all the replies

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