Cardinal Tetras With White Spot


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

I have 7 cardinal tetra in my tank, they have been there two weeks now and everything has been ok. I bought a new external filter at the same time and have had this running in conjunction with my internal filter since then. Last night I added some active carbon and a polishing pad to the external filter and when I come home tonight all my cardinals have white spot. I also have 6 sterbai Corys (have had them about two months) but they seem to be clear, maybe a little quiet!

Any suggestions, could adding the carbon or the polishing pad have caused this and how do i treat it? I will get some water results soon.
sounds like it may be ick. you can try raising temp to about 80 or 82 slowly but you have to leave it there for 2 weeks to kill all of the parasite.
Stress can cause whitespot.
Have you checked water stats with adding the new filter.

Remove black carbon from filter.
Raise temp to 30.
Add whitespot med, Corys can be sensitive to whitespot meds, so make sure you can use the full dose with sensitive fish.
Increase aeration. As the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.

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