Cardinal tetra's - I have a problem!!


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score

I have another new 4 foot tank that has been set up for a while now, with Pearl Danio's and Live plants. I added the danio's to cycle the aqaurium, but wanted to wait until my plants had established before adding any fish.

Danio's have done really well no deaths, they been in there a month now. This morning I purchased 10 Cardinal tetra from Osterly, Madenhead Aquatics. When i got home there was 10 Cardinals and two neons in the bag, floated them and then later released them and they are all doing great.

This after noon we purchased another 10 from Sion park, Maidenhead aquatics as it's closer than the osterly branch and once i got home 5 mins away from the store a few in the bag were floating? :eek:

To cut a long story short, there were 14 in the bag but 7 have died, but all the earlier ones and remaining 7 are swimming around fine. Should i contact the store in the morning (they are now closed) Seem's odd that the ones from the other store which is further away are doing great but 7 from the more local store have died??

What do you guys think? Not worried about the money just don't like buying dead fish, that looked healthy..

Have you flushed them already? I'd take them back. We know your tank wasn't the problem, so if they have any ethics at all they'll refund your money in a heartbeat, and hopefully look into the problem.
Hi freddyk,

No i haven't flushed them, they are in water inside a plastic tub floating in the aquarium. I'm off tomorrow so I will pop back and see what they say!

Just interested in finding out what the problem is as I know it was nothing on my part. They travelled safely and were floated etc.. Puzzles me :sad:
Update: Just been over to the F/S and returned the 7 dead cardinals, they replaced them with 7 new ones to try :) Brings me back up to a school of 29. (Thanks to my father, as he paid for all the cardinals - £42.00)

Pics to follow of the new planted Discus aquarium..

They must have dodgy Cardinals at Sion Park, all looked fine but have lost one of the 7 replacements aswell! All the other six replacements are fine..

Think I'm gonna give up on this place, not gonna bother taking this one back just going to shop else where in the future. Not that i'm planning on any more fish at mo as discus tank is completed as I wanted it! LOL

Losing one isn't so bad - these fish go through quite a lot before they get to our tanks, so we can't always blame the fish store. The question is, is this a regular occurance for the store? No store can prevent deaths entirely, and they also can't prevent the odd bad batch.
Hi freddyk,

Your absolutly right! Thinking about it, losing one cardinal isn't so bad as I do have 25+ healthy ones. The fish have generally been fine, from that F/S it's just a shame 8 died in the process.

It's one of those things, guess we will never really find out exactly why they died. I'm guessing it was down to stress during movment from store tank to mine!

Kind Regards

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