Cardinal Minnow.


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
ASked my LFS freind to order some of these along with Gold Minnows as available on his suppliers lists, Cant Wait.

Now other fish have been sold.



If He can Get Splash Tetras he will.
cardinal minnow, yet another name for Tanichthys micagemmae
a close cousin of the WCMM.
water conditions should be the same as for WCMMs and you won't go far wrong.
cardinal minnow, yet another name for Tanichthys micagemmae
a close cousin of the WCMM.
water conditions should be the same as for WCMMs and you won't go far wrong.

Yep, Saw them on PFK and that was it.
Never really Liked Cardinal Neons, or Neons at all as very weak.

These will contrast nicely with the Golds and If he gets LF even Better.

Pity not many LFS' Sell the Gold Minnows as they FAR outshine the Standard Minnows.

PS he still has the Rummy Nose Rasboras and they are coloring to a nice Steel Blue color, but have not get there Red Faces Yet. A person who has bought them says they grow quick to over 2 Inches an look Amazing. Will Try and remember to take a Camera Next Time I am there.

I was nagging him for Over 1/2 an hour to get these fish and some more of the smaller rainbows.

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