Carbon? What is the deal?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
I have just started my tank up, its running smooth. In 2 days or so I plan to start my fishless cycle. However, I have noticed my emperor 400's came with these filter pads with carbon.

Will it hurt my cycling process? What is the deal with carbon anyway?
I have that filter as well. I did a fishless cycle in 2 weeks, so it doesn't look like it has any effect. BTW I only ran 1 carbon cartridge per side. I ran filter floss in the refillable containers.
it wont affect it but you may as well take it out as its serving no purpose whatsoever. You may as well save it for anothertime. i only use carbon after i have been using meds. theres no need for it most of the time and its just a pointless adden expense IMO
I use carbon it does help because that is what they would use in water filters in your tap water filters in your house they filter out lead chemicals and some chlorine and don't mess up the cycling process.

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