Carbon In The Filter


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hello Everyone,

I was just wondering when I am actually supposed to have carbon in the filter. I have read a couple of posts that have said that the carbon isn't needed all the time; only in certain cases. Would anyone be able to tell me when I should have carbon in the filter? Thanks!
Hello Everyone,

I was just wondering when I am actually supposed to have carbon in the filter. I have read a couple of posts that have said that the carbon isn't needed all the time; only in certain cases. Would anyone be able to tell me when I should have carbon in the filter? Thanks!

I would only use it after treating the tank = to remove meds... but to be honest, Ive not used carbon in DECADES !
From My understanding carbon is good for removing med and smells, so look an you do regular water changes you wont have a smell. so really you dont ever need carbon.
if i was you i would look into it some more , you may have heard what you wanted to hear . but i think theres a bit more to carbon in the filter than you realize.............. :drool:
Small hijack.

I read mixed reports about leaving carbon in the filter after it served it purpose?

Some say it just acts as extra media. others say it can leak the stuff it soaked up back into the tank?

which is true am confused
Dont know about it leaking back into the water, but after a while it does lose it usefulness.

As said, it is good for removing meds out of the water after the treatment is finished. Also good for removing tannins from bogwood I believe. I used to run it in my filters until I realised that it wasnt really worth it and used the space for the carbon to use extra bio rings instead.
Small hijack.

I read mixed reports about leaving carbon in the filter after it served it purpose?

Some say it just acts as extra media. others say it can leak the stuff it soaked up back into the tank?

which is true am confused
This has come up before and it is certainly possible for carbon to leach stuff back into the water, though at what rate I don't know. Bignose discusses it in this thread.

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