Carbon Filters


New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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Birmingham, UK
How long does it take the average carbon filter to strip out medicines from the tank?I'm trying to clear my water of the fin rot medicine that I put in for a sick Angel that has now gone to fishy heaven :byebye:

I have completed a bigish (30%) water change two days ago and returned the carbon the the filter. I am having to do another water change tonight to try and help clear some of the cloudy water as I'm experiencing a bacteria bloom. This bloom contributed to the loss of 4 fish in 24hours due to low oxygen levels so I've been told. Plus I don't think the sick Angel helped.

depends on the level of filtration you have. with my fluval304 it seems to be less than 24 hours but it mostly depends on how much flow you have vs. the ammount of water you have. Personally when trying to remove chemicals from my water I give the carbon a life span of about 1.5 weeks and then remove it.

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