New Member
How long does it take the average carbon filter to strip out medicines from the tank?I'm trying to clear my water of the fin rot medicine that I put in for a sick Angel that has now gone to fishy heaven
I have completed a bigish (30%) water change two days ago and returned the carbon the the filter. I am having to do another water change tonight to try and help clear some of the cloudy water as I'm experiencing a bacteria bloom. This bloom contributed to the loss of 4 fish in 24hours due to low oxygen levels so I've been told. Plus I don't think the sick Angel helped.
I have completed a bigish (30%) water change two days ago and returned the carbon the the filter. I am having to do another water change tonight to try and help clear some of the cloudy water as I'm experiencing a bacteria bloom. This bloom contributed to the loss of 4 fish in 24hours due to low oxygen levels so I've been told. Plus I don't think the sick Angel helped.