Carbon Filters

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Aug 16, 2005
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I was just reading about removing the carbon filter when treating fish with liquid medicines, does this include things like Ammo-Lock?

We have high Ammonia and Nitrite levels at the moment both being near 1.0 and although we have done water changes every other day of 2-%-30%, they dont seem to be dropping, which is why we decided to use Ammo-lock. This made me wonder if the carbon filter is stopping this circulating?

Our tank is three weeks old and has had fish in for two weeks. We have lost a silver shark just the other day.

We also have:

6 balloon mollies (3 females and 3 males)
5 neon tetras
5 glowlight tetra
3 silver tips tetra
3 glow tetra

Any help would be appreciated.
How many gallons is the tank? The first thing that pooped in my head was, Damn thats alot of fish to do a cycle with.
Shucks that's a LOT of fish in such a very short space of time in a brand new tank. That's why the ammonia is flying through the roof :/
You really need to do a 25% water change every single day and do *not* overfeed your fish. They will poop more and produce more ammonia.
There is really no need to ever use carbon unless you are removing medication.

If it's at all possible, it might be better if you could return some fish until your tank is cycled. The mollies are big waste producers I'm afraid.

Best of luck. :)

Ps: you will also need to check your email and click on the link that TFF sent to you to validate your membership. Without doing so you'll only ever be able to post in this section.
The tank is 126L (Im not sure what that is in gallons, sorry).

We were told we had too many fish "after" we had bought them, when we went into the shop we told the lady that our tank was a couple of weeks old and that we wanted this, this and this, and she said thats fine to start you off, just dont add anymore to the tank for a week!

Then we went into another branch of the shop and they told us they sold us too many and we should only have started with 5 neons!!

This is the tank we have.

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