Carbon Filter


Fish Crazy
Jun 7, 2007
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was just wondering, when treating a tank and you're supposed to take the carbon media out, how long should you leave it out? for the whole course of a treatment? or just for that partcular dose? if so, how long?
yes the carbon will need to be removed. carbon removes the med if it is left in. You need to keep the carbon media out for the whole course of the medication
does that do anything to the tank? like will the fishies be ok? sorry, im quite a newby it seems.
dont worry i just pick this up from reading around here alot and learning from my tanks. Ye the fish will be fine. there are views that carbon wont do anything unless you change it...the carbon filter media only works for so long and unless you replace it, it will act like a sponge really.

I removed mine for over 3 weeks (forgot to put it back in) and the tank was crystal clear and no problems
dont worry i just pick this up from reading around here alot and learning from my tanks. Ye the fish will be fine. there are views that carbon wont do anything unless you change it...the carbon filter media only works for so long and unless you replace it, it will act like a sponge really.

I removed mine for over 3 weeks (forgot to put it back in) and the tank was crystal clear and no problems

I've actually been recommended by an experienced member of this forum that you should (well he did) replace the carbon with Ceramic Rings and you don't really need the carbon. If you suffer from cloudy water etc then yes, otherwise the ceramic rings will be a much better media to use as the bacteria thrives on the rings a lot more than on the carbon.

I have read that unless you dry out the carbon straight away like placing it in the oven in foil the carbon will be useless after as little as 24 to 48 hours - not too sure how true that is.

Good luck

Martin :good:
The 24-48 hours actually refers how long it is effective in the tank. So for the carbon to really be doing its job you have to replace it at least weekly, probably more often.

The things carbon claims to remove are removed with water changes. Water changes also remove loads of other contaminants that can build up which carbon doesn't. Carbon was popular because in days before water changes, water tended to go yellow, so the carbon would sort it out. Now we have a better understanding of the water chemistry and carbon is not needed.
ye i have read it around a few differnet forums to remove the carbon media and replace with the ceramic rings to allow more surface area for the bacteria to grow on. or if you want you could put a water polishing sponge in its place. but the ceramic rings would be a bit better for the tank performance and fish load

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