Carbon Filter Question


New Member
Jul 14, 2003
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I have a nice bio-wheel filter on my 30 gal tank. This filter has the provision to add ADDITIONAL carbon in a separate slot. (the main slot holds a fiber/carbon filter).

Outside of dirty, rank, smelly water, and dead fish.. How does one determine whether they need additional carbon? This unit is rated "for up to 50 gal tanks" and mine is 30 gal so I figure I have a "safty margin" to begin with. I also change the filter every three weeks. (Instructions recommend 2-4 weeks).
Let me preface this as saying this is jmo only.

I feel carbon is useless, overpriced and overrated.

IMO, a BIO-wheel is the absolute best filter there is.

Outside of dirty, rank, smelly water, and dead fish.. How does one determine whether they need additional carbon?

Carbon helps in none of these situations at all. That's just a commercial/advertising myth for companies to make money.

I would take all carbon out and put filter floss only in. Your tank will be cleaner, healthier and the beneficial bacteria has more surface to colonize on.

With filter floss, even tho it's better imo, it's cheaper also. You can pay $8 a week for carbon (because all but the best carbon only lasts 3-5 days and 99% of the worlds lfs's don't carry top notch carbon, which only last 12-14 days anyways) or buy filter floss, which is better and doesn't need to be changed as often. You can buy a bag of filter floss that will last years for only $1.50. Just rinse it off when you do water changes and change it once or twice a year.
if your water gets dirty, smelly and ur fish die i think it's better to get another filter altogether
joshua219 said:
if your water gets dirty, smelly and ur fish die i think it's better to get another filter altogether
Unless of course its not cycled - in which case getting a new filter could be the last thing you want to do!

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