Canthigaster Solandri


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Exeter - UK
So was in LFS and if you don't know me I am mad on puffers.

I have been looking for a Valentini Puffer but this little beaut caught my eye. A similar species to the Valentini but a lot more attractive IMO..

The puffer is commonly known as the blue spotted puffer and here is a pic of a very good specimen -


So I decided to take this little fella home, he is currently in my quarantine tank, but here are a few pics -




As you can see not very colourful yet but I reckon this is down to stress of being moved around half the globe!

With some TLC hopefully he will end up like the one in the first pic!
Oh bless him, he is indeed very stressed - can you put something in the tank for him to hide in?

Seffie x
There are some pots in there for him to hide in but he just likes floating round in the open :)

He needs to put on a bit of weight in my opinion too.

Will be trying some krill tomorrow and maybe some bloodworm to fatten him up.
I know! I'm in love <3 he has already started colouring up especially around the face the blue linings are becoming more vivid :)

Very shy eater though I have had to hand feed him to get him to eat something.

He is eating though I have fed him some prawn, krill and squid.
She is settling in quite nicely now :)

Eating loads and putting on weight, fed her mussel today.

And yes I'm referring to it as a her now as she is very social one minute then the next seems angry with me turns her back and hides!
Moved her to display today, she has found a little cave -


Look at the blue in her face, photo does not do her justice really <3

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