Can't View Attachments


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Seen some posts here with attachments but when I click on it I get the following error message: [#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment.

Example is this post

Any ideas why, have had a look through my profile and can't see anything that applies to this problem.
please post your computer type (i.e. Mac, PC, or Unix/Linux), what version operating software you are using (i.e. Windows 7, Windows XP, Snow Leopard, Ubuntu) and what browser and version of that browser you are using. I'll also make sure this gets noticed by admin to see if it is something on our end.
When at work, I have the same thing, but my home computer is fine.... I think some employers put a block to certain areas (viewing attachments) etc. as a cost saving measure and to prevent abuse of the internet by employees.....

Are these pc's at home or at work???
Rather than uploading attachments, if you upload it to a hosting site such as Photobucket or Imageshack (accounts sre free) and then add the URL, everyone should be able to see it.

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