Can't Seem To Swim


New Member
Oct 12, 2012
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One of my guppies cannot seem to swim. I found him laying in a plant not moving. I've removed the plant and so he is just laying at the bottom of the tank. If I nudge him with my small net he will get a short swim burst but other than that he won't move.
Few questions to help get some answers:

Is tank cycled? (With ammonia or fish in) <- if the latter, is this ne of those fish?

Do you test your water? What test kits? (api or test strips)

If so can you please post your results with numbers

How often do you change water? How much do you change?

How big is your tank?

Other inhabitants?

Is this affecting any other tank mates?
I've never tested the water and do not have access to testing kits. I just changed 30%of the water, its a ten gallon I believe. There are three other guppies and a dwarf frog, they are all fine.
Do you do regular water changes though and was the tank cycled?

How long has the tank been set up?
The water is hardly ever changed and I don't believe it has been cycled, I don't really have control of the maintenance. The tank has been up for years but all creatures in it now have only been in it for a few months.
I hope you don't mind the question.  Is this your parents tank?
A tank being cycled means that the filter has gone through a process that allows good bacteria to grow in the filter to process the ammonia that is produced by the fish and transform it into something less toxic.  If the filter has been running for years and the filter media (sponge, floss, whatever is inside) has remained... then your tank is cycled.
It would be best to start regular water changes for the health of the fish and to keep the nitrates at a safe level as well.
Sorry to not be much help for your fish but if this is the case with your tank ... that it hasn't been properly maintained, the water is probably what is making your fish sick.

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