Cant make up my mind!


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
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So i have my 29 gallon cycling as we speak. YAY! Now I've been busy busy busy trying to research fish and what I exactly want in it. This is my first tank bigger than a 10 gallon so I have no experience in this department and I have many questions and would love stocking suggestions.

My mom REALLY wants me to put an angelfish in my 29 gallon, is it big enough? Can they get along with dwarf gouramis or other fish? Or should I try and talk her out of this fish (i dont really want one- they're not my thing).

How would some female bettas get along in there? With other fish?

I want cories as well. How many for a 29 gallon?

Also I'm thinking about adding Hariliquien (spelling) Rosboras, about 5 (the only thing that I some what settled on)

I really cant make up my mind on anything else. I have a list of fish I like a mile long, I'm just trying to figure out what will get along best with what, and how many of each!

I'm sure I sound like I know nothing but I just want tons of opinions, so please, suggest away!
I also have a 29 gallon and it was my first tank bigger than a 10 gallon. :D

I would avoid getting any angels because they don't do well with smaller fin-nipping fish, also I think they may get too tall for your tank but I am not 100% sure on that.

I had a pair of german blue rams as the "centerpiece" for my 29 gallon you can read about them and see pictures of them at this site:
They don't have the BEST pictures, but they have some good information. Some people may say they are not a good fish for beginners but I would say you could get a pair because since you already are going to get like 5 rasboras you could add those after the tank cycles and then the next week maybe add some more fish you liked, then a week or two later get the rams. I just suggest them because they are a very colorful fish and don't get very big so they would do well in your 29 gallon.

Dwarf gouramis are colorful as well and I am thinking maybe you could get two pair in the 29 gallon. These fish can be somewhat shy and spend most of their time hiding so if you are looking for a very active fish, I wouldn't recomend dwarf gouramis. You could try the Thick Lipped Gourami as they stay small and look somewhat the same, they also aren't as timid as the dwarf gourami.

Female bettas are a good community fish IMO. As long as you only get one or 4 or more to spread any nipping or aggression.

Cories are very interesting fish and are fairly active once they get used to the tank and provided they are in a fair-sized group. They like to be in groups of 5 or more so I would say maybe get 5 cories.

Maybe try 5 cories, 5 rasboras, and 2 blue german rams?
Interesting ideas! The rams are pretty, I'll have to go to my LFC and see if they have any so I can take a look.
I'm not dead set on rasboras by any means, just an idea. And im really thinking about the feamle betta idea too..

But yes, I must have cories. So so sooo cute. I have one Julie in my 10 gallon and it's the cutest fish I own. :wub:
You can have angels you would just have to get some non fin nipping fish. Rams would ok with angels, so would corys.I dont think the bettas would. Rosboras would also work.
how come no one does semi aggressive tanks?

1- African Butterfly fish
1- Gourami
2- Rainbow cichlids.- Not rainbow fish. U can look them up in the fish index in the NW cichlid section and these are the most personable fish u will ever meet and wont kill off yur tank if they breed
5- Brochis if u can find them - a brochis look slike a cory but gets bigger

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