Can't Keep Plecos Alive


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
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I've had a tank for years, but i've never been able to keep my plecos alive for more than a month or so. i have a community tank with tetras, rainbows and danios. i used to have a 10 gallon but moved up to a 36 gallon a few months ago. My other fish i have do fine and i've had them for years, but whenever i've added a pleco, the pleco dies. my last one was first doing well at first and cleaned up the whole tank, but 2 weeks later just hid under the driftwood all the time and then died.

i don't check the water on a regular basis since the other fish seem happy, but i just did because i'd really like to have a pleco. my readings were pH 8, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm. is the pH too high for a pleco? any other thoughts? i haven't tried to feed them extra food because there appears to be plenty of algae in the tank.

any help would be much appreciated.
Sounds like they are starving to death: Plecos really need extra food to stay alive, the algae over a tanks surface simply isnt sufficient. They love cucumber ;).
Sounds like they are starving to death: Plecos really need extra food to stay alive, the algae over a tanks surface simply isnt sufficient. They love cucumber ;).
Agree with the above, they should be fed every day to supplement their diet. Sorry for your losses. Good luck.

Mine likes the catfish pellets, he immediately comes out of hiding to mount a pellet. He also eats algae wafers, and he munchs down on the cucumber fast as heck. Mines a clown :)
thanks for the response. i've usually had common plecos (i know now they need a bigger tank, but they never really lasted that long anyway). my last one was a beautiful bluefin pleco, so i was quite sad when i lost him. any ideas on how to keep the other fish from getting at the food? I have a pretty active group and when i've tried to put food in before for the pleco, it gets devoured by the other fish.
sinking pellets After lights out... and big veg that other fish cant run off with ;)


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