Cant Get Rid Of Worms Please Help!


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Im new, pleased to meet ya. :good:

I bought two shubunkins from my LFS which appeared healthy. 3 days later, 1 died, the 2nd is still living, but has worms, and has had them for almost 3 weeks now. I dont know what to do as the Sterazin he is on, doesnt seem to be working. The worms appear dead when they come out (blotchy dark gray colours opposed to pink / red), but I dont think it is being completely effective.


Size of aquarium/pond - 50L

Types of fish - 1 x shubunkin

Number of fish and sizes - 1 x shubunkin (2" long)

Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - internal filtering (biological). Cleaned by manually removing large items. I give it a squeeze over the sink but take care to leave most of the contents in the filter.

How much in the way of water changes and how often -- 50% per half week at the moment.

Do you dechlorinate - In new water half an hour before it goes in the tank

Symptoms of sick fish ie, spots, behaviour, etc - Worms (visable), flinching and scraping against gravel and plants. Erratic swimming at times.

How long has the fish been sick and which medications are your currently using or recently used - Almost 3 weeks now. He has been on Waterlifes Sterazin for longer than the instructions say, which is why im getting concerned now. I've just started on the 2nd bottle. Have been adding 3ml on days 1,3,5,8,10 as it says. It does seem to be having an effect (worms are coming out dead) but I dont think the source is being eliminated.

Test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph both from the tap and tank - Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 Nitrate 15 (ish) pH 7
So you mean the worms are coming out of the anus.
Yes they are coming out of the fishes bottom. Theyre pinky/red in apppearance. Another thing is that he seems lonely now (just seems a bit mopey) but I havent bought him a buddy yet as I want to get rid of the worms first :(
these worms can pass from fish to fish sou you should get treatment from a shop, not sure what exactly but an internal parasite treatment should work.

However talking to Dr Peter Burgess (rights articles for fish magazines) the other week he was saying that these tend to die out after several generation's as they occasional need an external host ie bird's.

But ask your LFS they should suggest what treatment is best.
me said:
He has been on Waterlifes Sterazin for longer than the instructions say, which is why im getting concerned now. I've just started on the 2nd bottle. Have been adding 3ml on days 1,3,5,8,10 as it says. It does seem to be having an effect (worms are coming out dead) but I dont think the source is being eliminated.

He IS on medication! Nuts to it I'll keep giving him the medicine until they go :crazy:

Thanks anyway
I've had no experance with these worms i'm pleased to say, and as you my notice i hate reading long threads :blush:

But your doing the right things from the sound of it.
But your doing the right things from the sound of it.

I've heard of double-dosing (i.e. morning and night) if they symptoms do not go, would you recommend this? Standard dosage doesnt seem to be working.

Poor fish :( -_-
Personally i never dealt with this so i cant say, but i would not double dose unless you do a large water change and run some active carbon for a few hours in-between.

But wait to see what others say.
BUMP! :good:

Anyone got anything to add? Im nearing the end of my 2ND!! bottle of Sterazin. The treatment isnt working, what am I doing wrong? -_-
Sterazin is for external and not internal worms, so not the right way to go.

There was someone selling internal parasite meds but hes gone now and i cant remember the name of it.

Sorry cant be more help to you but it sounds like calamaris worms ((not sure abut spelling either))

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