Cant Get My Frogfish To Eat!


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
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I'm having trouble getting my frogfish to eat. In a total of about 3 weeks since I got him, hes only eaten twice. The first time he ate was about a week after i got him, and the second time was about five days after that. I'm feeding it frozen krill on the end of a clear feeding prong. The past week and a half or so he wont eat the krill, i'll put it in front of his face and he'll just bite it like he wants it to leave (definately not trying to eat it). I don't know what else to try and I dont want him to starve, please help!
Quite often a frog fish wont accept frozen or prepared foods at all. time to try live i think. Also not too much in one go as they will eat themselves to death.

How are you offering it the food? you should move it around slowly about 6" from its face, not too close. Then when it shows an interest move slightly closer.
unfortunately the only live shrimp I can find that are cheap enough are ghost shrimp, but they're far too small
unfortunately the only live shrimp I can find that are cheap enough are ghost shrimp, but they're far too small

I believe ghost shrimp are river shrimp and if you keep them for a short while they will grow bigger :good: so, maybe just put them in anyways, see if he takes them, if he does at least you know it would be worth growing them on in another container

Seffie x
Frogfish can go for a long time (think well over a month) before needing to feed, so just keep at it with the feeding stick. Try offering some prawns or small fish (spratts or whitebait). Don't forget to move the feeding stick around in the tank as if the food is alive rather than just shoving it in front of the frogfish's face.

Otherwise, get some live shrimp, feed them on flake food and then put them into the tank with the frogfish.

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