Can't Eat Pellets?


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
Okay, so my betta was originally on flakes. I bought him some pellets last night, and he can't seem to eat them. Like, he knows they're food etc, but he can't seem to fit them in his mouth. It's really odd.

Has anyone else had problems like this before? Is there something I can do, or am I better off just leaving him on flakes?
You can try crushing them up into smaller pieces. You could also buy some granules, as those are usually smaller than pellets and easier for bettas to eat.
One of mine won't eat them, or he tries, but can't, he just puts them in his mouth, then spits them out
i had same prob i brought some betta pellets and azul my blue one<left on screen> takes in then spits out again.........maybe because it contains other one loco eats straight away no probs......bettas are very fussy........mine have 1day where they eat peas remove skin a cut small......found this out from this forum./could tank up 2 2wks for him to accept new food
What kind of pellets are you using because I found the pellets by wardly to be to big for any of my bettas to eat so I just feed them granules.
Yeah, I do have the Wardley. They were the only brand available at the store where I bought my betta, so I might have to go to a different pet store... or just an all fish store.
I'd recommend tetramin tropical granules, thats what I use and the fish love it.
Atisons and Hikari are also very well respected brands. I would stay away from HBH, as the granuals tend to vary in size from 'far too big for any normal adult', to 'dust'.
Atisons and Hikari are also very well respected brands. I would stay away from HBH, as the granuals tend to vary in size from 'far too big for any normal adult', to 'dust'.

Hmm I have some HBH Betta Bites, and those seem to be pretty uniform in size. The only problem is that sometimes they leave a film on the surface of the water.
That's funny, mine aren't uniform in size at all, but don't do anything to my water. :lol: Says something about their quality control.

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