Cant Decide Which Puffer!


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
I have my 160 litre and keep changing my mind daily on what to put in it!

1) One GSP - I love the looks of these little guys, they are beautiful markings, havent seen any in the flesh yet and concerned about brackish to marine eventually. The tank would be started on fresh and then acclimatised to brackish over time.

2) 3 maybe 4 SAPs - have seen these guys and they remind me of hyper mini dogs zipping about, did fall in love as the ones I saw were not healthy and couldnt help feeling for the poor things (mine would need to be healthy, I am not experienced enough to save any). Only concerns are clipping teeth. Have read Neales instructions which does make it less scary :good: Other concern is I know these guys get bored much quicker and tend to pace.

3) Figure of 8s - not sure why but not as keen on these guys (will want them eventually) but they may be a good inbetween of the two above, though not sure on how many.

I dont intend of having any tank mates, just a species only tank, heavily decorated :)
Here's my take on these three species:

GSPs are good species for a second or third tank, if you're happy to set aside a big tank to just one species for a long period of time. They are not especially attractive fish when they get older; this is very much the case with Tetraodon fluviatilis, which I think looks a bit "muddy" when mature. Mature fish (males?) can sometimes be aggressive towards one another, so keeping multiple specimens is a gamble. Brackish water conditions are essential. On the plus side, they are very easy to tame, not nervous, and big enough to show the curiosity and intelligence typical of the larger puffers.

Figure-8s are very colourful at all ages, so they're a good choice where prettiness is an issue. They mix reasonably well with certain brackish water tankmates. They are small enough to be maintained in tanks of modest size, and sociable enough you could have multiple specimens in one aquarium. They also need brackish water conditions. On the downside, they're a bit mindless by comparison with the larger puffers; they're still "cute", but they aren't quite as friendly as the bigger puffers.

SAPs are also colourful at all ages. They're very gregarious, so you can keep large numbers of them together without any bother, making for a very busy and fun-to-watch aquarium. They are also exceptionally hardy by pufferfish standards, and will adapt to both hard and soft freshwater without complaint. They don't get seem to ever get very big in captivity, with 7-8 cm being usual rather than the 15 cm said to occur in the wild. In terms of tankmates, while definitely fin-nippers, they get along fine with robust, fast-moving tankmates of various kinds. On the downside, they are the least "brainy" puffers out there, and show little sign of being intelligent at all. They can be hand fed, and certainly are active and alert, but I've never seen them become truly tame.

In short, it comes down to what you want. If you want a single big pufferfish pet, then a GSP of either species is hard to beat. If you want something you can mix with other fish because you only have one aquarium, either Figure-8s or SAPs are options, though in different ways and with different species. Figure-8s have the edge over SAPs in colours and perhaps personality, while SAPs tolerate a wider range of tankmates and do better in large groups.

Cheers, Neale
Hi Neale
Thanks for the continuing guidance it is really appreciated!

Whichever go for I would most likely keep species only tank, as I am happier that way and it is the puffs I love.

I think for me is personality over prettiness ( I say this as had guppies recently but compared to the DPs and betta, they just didnt suit me, dont worry they have a loving home and visit regualrly to check on them). Hmmm this is a difficult decision, I have one month left to decide, of course I can take longer but have waited a long time already which has allowed me to change to these 3 species constantly.

How many F8s would be recommended for a 160 litre? How is this species with others of its kind?

further thoughts, GSPs have the personality I am after and the weight of a bigger puff, it is the salty and expense that does worry me - my partner reckons this is the puff for me in the long run. F8s seem a good go between though not sure if can source locally. SAPs are really sweet, need to look into more, do these guys remind a little of the way of DPS at all in personality but bit more hyper?

Thanks for answering, I know at the end of the day it is up to me to make up my mind, I wish I could have a tank for each. :)
You should be able to keep at least half a dozen Figure-8s in a 160-litre tank, especially with good filtration. I'd sooner keep a big group than just 2 or 3; in a bigger group, bullying is much less likely.

Both Figure-8s and GSPs need brackish water, so that's an issue with both. Admittedly, Figure-8s don't need *as much* salt to do well; SG 1.003-1.005 at 25 C should be fine provided the hardness and pH are appropriate. GSPs are perhaps a bit more demanding in this regard, but there's not a lot in it; in a well maintained tank they're fine at 1.005, even though somewhat higher salinity might be optimal.

SAPs have a unique, almost tetra-like personality. They can be bullies amongst themselves at dinner time, and routinely snatch bits of food from one another. But they rarely, if ever, bite one another or do serious harm. They spend much time exploring floating plants like Indian fern, and I suspect that might be part of their natural feeding behaviour. They have some endearing quirks, such as sleeping together in groups at night-time. They also get over dental work very quickly! They are nice fish if you want a busy tank, constantly on view. But while mine certainly can be hand fed, it's more a case of them attacking bits of food rather than coming up to the surface and begging like you see with some of the bigger puffers. They're also a bit too small to have fun feeding whole unshelled prawns or whatever (though they deal with woodlice pretty briskly!).

One reason I like the SAP / irrubesco combination is you get two very different but compatible pufferfish. The fact they're both small, hardy, and fairly peaceful is a bonus.

Cheers, Neale
Brill Neale, thank you!

In a tank this size what sort of ratio SAP/irrubesco would you recommend?

Hmmm... going to have to print all the facts and pictures out again and see what to go for. Also I know I have access to GSPs and SAPs. Would have to see if can source F8s and irrubescos.

I have to say the DPs constantly beg which makes it difficult to just watch them for pleasure! So it might be nice to have ones that dont beg as much. Thanks Neale, your information is great. If it doesnt trouble anyone, will probably post my thoughts up to DDay of buying the chosen one/s :)

right just rung about half a dozen shops

F8 -hard to get hold off, may be able to do a special order but the place that will says the shipment they have they died off quite quickly, another store says he wont have them anymore as they died quickly.

GSP - there is one good source (same as order above) they get them but currently having problems with white spot, they can order one but I will most likely treat it myself. They said that the salt they are adding cant be increased much more as it will affect the other fish (these are being kept in freshwater). Have emailed a small shop that may have them.

SAPs - seem most obtainable ranging from £10-£20 each.

Irrubescos - found no where near at all that would stock.
scrap that, just found a store that says it will try to get any of those in except the irrubescos, it may be hit and miss but at least they will try.

right... down to brooding again and trying to decide which one... :rolleyes:
Hi, have you decided yet?

I'm in the same situation as you! I'm in the process of setting up a new tank [which arrived today :good: ] and after falling in love with my DP's I've decided to go for a bigger Puffer.
I would love GSP's, but not sure if I'm ready to go Brackish :unsure: My tanks slightly smaller than yours [48''....142lts], Long and

Ah....decisions, decisions..... SAP' lovely and lively.....but them teeth!!!!! Or Irrubescu....not as easy on the eye :rolleyes: , but no teeth!....... I think I might just flip a coin!!!!

Let me know how your getting on.

Lisa x
LOL hey Lisa

Well for now I have decided....GSP!! But who knows when it comes to crunch time. I am planning on the GSPs to learn brackish as later the dream puff I want to get is a full marine Porcupine puffer.

I have gone for GSPs as their personalities are lovely and it is the salt etc putting me off. Decided my love for them will guide me!

Please let me know your thoughts on your choices Lisa, love to hear.
You'll be pleased to know GSPs and Diodon get along quite well, given sufficient space. Diodon aren't puffers but porcupinefish, and some species do get rather big. Obviously, they need marine conditions, but adult GSPs thrive in marine tanks, and you can start using skimmers from SG 1.010 upwards, allowing you to slowly buy the bits you need as the years pass.

Cheers, Neale

I am planning on the GSPs to learn brackish as later the dream puff I want to get is a full marine Porcupine puffer.
Ah I did not actually know that Neale! It never occured to me to mix those two species together and that would be brill as when eventually get a porc can get a tank big enough for the two species.

In the 160litre (need to remeasure as the listing when got it was 180 litre and cant remember why said 160) do you think I would be ok with just two GSPs?
The usual recommendation for two adult GSPs is something around the 210 l/55 US gallon mark; my guess is that it's the sexually mature males that are aggressive, so only time will tell how your two get along...

Cheers, Neale

In the 160litre (need to remeasure as the listing when got it was 180 litre and cant remember why said 160) do you think I would be ok with just two GSPs?
Looks like GSP's for you then!!!!! :good:

I think I'm going to bite the bullet and go with 2/3 SAP's :hyper: If I can worm a mad cat, clip a Degus teeth and walk two Great Danes at once.....I can handle a little bit of Puffer dentistry!!!!!

SAP's it is!!!!!!!

Lisa x

So jealous of your GSP's though :unsure:
LOL thanks Lisa, wont be getting them for another month yet so time will tell if I stick to this (I am pretty sure now, I always seem to come back to GSPs).

We will certainly have to exchange pictures! When do you think you will get yours?

Thanks again Neale so the more space the better with possible aggression that may occur? Of course I could plan to when they get bigger to upgrade and go full marine with tank for the porcupine as well. How does that sound? Would be looking for two years time when we hopefully have our own place or at least a concrete ground floor for a I would imagine 500 litre plus for two GSPs and a porc?
Depends on how quickly I can get the tank set up! I added loads of extra media to my other filters a couple of weeks I've plenty to seed my new Eheim with....but need to get the tank planted up first....would love it to be this weekend, but more likely to be next week!

Lisa x
ohhhh! Jealous! Setting up tank end of August (parents buying me filter for my birthday, getting hopefully end of August for bday in Sept) so can cycle and get GSP!!

Best of luck :good: :hyper: Pretty please keep me updated.

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