Cannister filtration paired with Bio-wheel

I would venture a guess that you might use both if you would like to stock more fish than you believe one biofilter can safely maintain. This either means "overstocking" a tank, or trying to filter a tank that's larger than either filter can handle on its own.
I would say that it's pretty redundant. In my experience canister filters have are capable of filtering very over stocked tanks, the sheer amound of media that they can hold make this so. However, adding a bio wheel certainly wouldn't do any harm as a precaution (though then the filter becomes noisy, and I buy canisters for their silence as much as anything).
probably is redundant but on my 54 setup I'm running a cannister filter AND a large Wet/Dry with protein skimmer....which is a TON of biological filtration but I intend that tank to be somewhat densely stocked.

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