cannister filter choice


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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API Rena or penn plax cascade which would you choose?

Ehiem isn't an option so don't even mention them.

Fluval is a distant option.
Rena's have the tendancy to be loud. Don't know about the Penn Plax. Fluvals are not the highest quality filter ever made, but they do the job, they're easy to maintain, and they're quiet.
thecichlidaddict said:
Rena's have the tendancy to be loud. Don't know about the Penn Plax. Fluvals are not the highest quality filter ever made, but they do the job, they're easy to maintain, and they're quiet.
hmm the fluval I have on my 46 Gallon works well.

Basically I need a good filter for a 37 gallon and I'm not willing to spend more than $75.
i have a via aqua 750 got it for 60 from bigals and its part of the filtration on my 130 gallon, it would very easily do the job on a 37 gallon. No problems at all with it, pretty silent.
I am more happy (grammar???) with my Rena then I am with my Fluval. The Fluval is a pain to prime after cleaning (pumping for 15 minutes or sucking on the output end is not fun). I find the XP quieter then the Fluval, so much so that I am replacing my Fluval 404 with an XP3. I'll see if the larger XP is as satisfying as the XP1.
i have heard from several sources that the xp3 is an entirely different beast than the xp1 and 2 in terms of the flow architecture... i don't know, but i heard that the xp3 is awesome and that the xp1 and 2 are just alright (not just in terms of pushing more water around, but in terms of efficiency and noise). so i guess you'll be psyched about your new purchase...

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