Fish Fanatic
So sad....So sad jojo.
Last week I couldn't find my Cory in my main tank, I had removed the glass lid since I now run the main tank with an Aquaclear mini + internal power filter. I looked everywhere!
I thought that my cory jumped out of the tank! But last night, I did my weekly water change (a bit earlier since I was getting worried that the cory was gone).
I found it's bones! thats right, no carcas just bones!
I was pretty sad. Now the thing that worries me is that I don't think a fish can deteriorate that quickly....did my Guppies & Platies have a Cory Catfish banquet? because the bones were picked clean!
so sad jojo....
Last week I couldn't find my Cory in my main tank, I had removed the glass lid since I now run the main tank with an Aquaclear mini + internal power filter. I looked everywhere!
I thought that my cory jumped out of the tank! But last night, I did my weekly water change (a bit earlier since I was getting worried that the cory was gone).
I found it's bones! thats right, no carcas just bones!
I was pretty sad. Now the thing that worries me is that I don't think a fish can deteriorate that quickly....did my Guppies & Platies have a Cory Catfish banquet? because the bones were picked clean!
so sad jojo....