

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
So sad....So sad jojo.

Last week I couldn't find my Cory in my main tank, I had removed the glass lid since I now run the main tank with an Aquaclear mini + internal power filter. I looked everywhere!

I thought that my cory jumped out of the tank! But last night, I did my weekly water change (a bit earlier since I was getting worried that the cory was gone).

I found it's bones! thats right, no carcas just bones! :(

I was pretty sad. Now the thing that worries me is that I don't think a fish can deteriorate that quickly....did my Guppies & Platies have a Cory Catfish banquet? because the bones were picked clean!

so sad jojo....
i doubt they would feast on him unless he was already dead or dying
check your water perams and monitor your tank closely
my money is on that your corydoras was ill or old and croaked
just about any fish will eat rotting corpse :crazy:
its like a delicacy
mmmmmm....... yummy :sick:
but seriously its like survival instincts
dead carcas is a source of food and most fish will not waste
they will eat any chance they get

BTW you have nothing to worry about murder wise :shifty:
you have a perfect community tank going :thumbs:
Actually, they fall apart very fast. It only takes a day or so before you can't figure out which fish died. :/

The corydoras probably picked away at it after it died. They can't quite eat other fish because they have phyrangeal teeth (inside the throat).

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