Canister Vs Power


Aug 10, 2007
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Central NJ
hi all

Forgive me if i'm a little bit dense but after reading this forum i've come to realize that most people prefer canister filters over high end power filters. i'm not really sure why. i've been doing research into canister filters of all kinds and i've come to realize that i don't get it.

i understand that with canister filters you can get more media and customize it to your liking and that's the big advantage but unless you spend $300 you don't get the same flow rate. take the Eheim Pro III for example; $370 gets you 450 gph thru 6 levels of filtration of your choice. that's great. most people can't spend that on a filter. now take the Marineland Penguin 350 w/ Bio-Wheel; $30 gets you 350 gph thru up to 6 levels of filtration of the manufacturers choice. that's a huge difference in price.

Putting money aside. if you buy a canister and a power filter for identical tanks, the canister has more media but a much slower flow rate and the power filter has less media but a much higher flow rate. if the power filter puts the water thru the filter media 2 times in the same time that canister puts it thru 1 time...doesn't that equal out. generally speaking.

is there more to it than that? is it just preference? i want what's best for my fish in all 3 of my tanks. and i'll very happily spend the money if i know it's gonna make a big difference in their health but i just don't get it. like said maybe i'm not as smart as i thought i was.

Can someone please help me with this? :look:
As you have highlighted, flow rate and media choise make quite a difference. The media is the main advantage, but the decrased flow rate through the media means that the filtration is more efficient. Most, if not all cotaminants in the water passing through an exurnal are removed first pass, where as a power filter needs several passes to get it all. This means that the water is always clearer out of an exturnal, than from a power filter thus keeping the water cleaner, despite the slower flow rate. Also, it is not possible to run any internal or HOB filter on a large tank, and get good filtration. It is noly practicaly possible to filter big tanks with inturnals, only exturnals are capable.
Filters are ALL about media... canisters hold more media - so are better than internals, the next logical step is a sump, again because of more media !
so efficiency is the answer? one pass thru the media is better than multiple times thru. ok i get it :nod:

thanks :D

i love you people :wub:
Actually, the question should be when is one better than another. Generally, a hob power filter is better at mechanical filtration, a canister is better at bio filtration. Some hob filters, such as Aqua Clears, are just as flexable with media as a canister. Some canisters, such as the Magnum line, are better at mechanical filtration, due to the higher flow rate. Check out and for some canister comparisons.

On freestanding tanks, I like to use a combination of the two, setting up the hob for optimal mechanical filtration, and the canister for bio filtration. If you use set up your equipment orienting it towards the job it performs most efficiently you end up with less maintenance, and less problems.
I use HOB/Canister combos as well. One major advantage of canisters is that you can place the inlet and outlet at opposite ends of the tanks, which helps ensure water movement throughout the tank.
thanks tolak. this kind of brings things back to my original point. i'll have to think about this and see if i want to change my set up. i appreciate all everyone's input.
My Oscar tank uses the combo method. I have a Cascade 300, from Penn Plex, and an Ecco cannister (I forget the number). I set up the cannister as the biofilter, i.e. no sponges just bio media (looks like cocoa puffs, I swear). Then, when I'm doing water changes...I don't touch the cannister, just the HOB.

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