Canister Filter


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
NSW, Australia
What are the main advantages of using a canister filter? Are they quieter? Does quality vary greatly from brand? Thanks.
All my canisters are Eheims, they are nearly silent. Canister filters hold a greater volume of media, giving better filtration at a slower water flow rate. It is also easier to customize filter media than with other filters. More media means less frequent maintainance intervals.

Like anything else, you get what you pay for. The cheaper ones have more problems with loose hoses & fittings from what I hear. I would also be concerned with the availability of parts on a cheaper piece of equipment.

Like anything else, you get what you pay for. The cheaper ones have more problems with loose hoses & fittings from what I hear. I would also be concerned with the availability of parts on a cheaper piece of equipment.

What about AquaNova?
If you buy a canister filter it's best to stick with the better known brands so you can easily buy spare parts if neccasary

i.e. Fluval or Eheim

Fluvals are cheaper than eheims but ehiems are slightly better built. Both are good filters though.

I've always used fluvals, given me no problems over the years, just bought 2 x 404's for my planted 6ft tank & they seem to be a nicely put together filter.
i'ma bout to purchase a Rena Filstar XP3 canister, heard they're alsmot as good as eheims, but much cheaper!
I like the Cascade's myself. Another advantage of canister filters if you do it right is it will look much better to not have a filter hanging on the back of your tank.
I think Ill just get a cascading filter. I dont think its worth nearly paying triple for a little better.
it also depend on the size of your tank and the stocking as well... for larger tanks, power filters alone are usually inefficent, you need a combination of canister and power filter...

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