Canister filter Eheim or Fluval or other


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2004
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:S I was looking at the fluval 404 (&100)and eheim pro 2 ($200) without heat
wou like one with heat though.
ive also seem one that is very basic jst one big filter like the ones in a wet dry vac, or you could say it looks like a air filter for a car.

i just dont know
i need help deciding which one.
i always buy the biggest i can get and i plan on doing that this time too but i have to think about the cost too.

the fluval 404 can do 100gallons and the eheim 2028 can do 158gallons
i was wanting a little bigger about 200 but can settle for one a little smaller

now i really dont want these ones either, i want that one i was trying to describe, i t looks to be the easiest to maintain.

i dont know im new to the canister filter thing.

please help thanks.

i have 4 tanks currenlty varring sizes but that dosent matter i am building one around my equipment.
If you don't mind spending the extra money, go with the Eheim. I have the 2026 on a 65 gallon, only need to clean it every 4 months. It really isn't that dirty, I just feel better checking up on it. Have a little Ecco on a 20 long that is used as a quarintine tank, and a holding tank until I switch around fish to provide room for newcomers. This tank at times is triple what anyone would consider fully stocked, and I just cleaned the Ecco after 4 months due to the water flow slowing down.

You may want to check out for more info on their filters. They show some of the larger ones you seem to be refering to. I show my 4 Eheim canisters no mercy, it's why I bought them in the first place. They keep running with no problems. It's money well spent.

thanks and i havewent to eheim's site. their stuff sounds good looks good and i would rather have one of them out infront of my tank than hidden underneith lol

but that price is higher than ones rated at or near the same.

like for the one ehiem 2028 for 200 dollars rated for 158 gallons
I0 can get 2 fluval 404 for 100 each rated at 100 gallons each

and thats the one with out the heater

what about the ones with the one giant filter thing????
how do thoes compare? whats the difference?
click here for an example of what im talking about
here is the pic hope it works.........
A guy I work with has a magnum 350 on a 55 gallon with an oscar. They are reasonably decent filters I guess unless you have a messy fish like he has. That paper air filter looking insert clogs on him constantly. I gave him a foam pre-filter to put on the intake, & that seemed to help considerably. If you don't mind doing maintanance more often get something other than an Eheim.

I have heard stories about the Eheims running for 10 years or more and only needing an occasional cleaning. Lateral Line, who is one of the mods on this board, has many years of experience with them. You may want to try pm'ing him about these filters.

It's true! My oldest Eheim Classic must be at least 15 years old, replace the shaft when it wears out, (takes 30 seconds), and the rubber sealing ring when it "goes" but the rest just works and works and works.

I have used many types of filter over 40 years, and now, except for fry tanks, use Eheim canisters on everything. I'm sure Fluvals are better then they used to be, but I always founf them fiddly, and they inevitably had a small, but not inconsequental leak.

I never used a Magnum filter, don't know if they are available here, but in the picture, it is set for polishing not filtration. They also seem to be suggesting it should be used with a biowheel which suggests it may not, by itself, be a particulaly good biological filter.
benz_020 said:
thanks and i havewent to eheim's site. their stuff sounds good looks good and i would rather have one of them out infront of my tank than hidden underneith lol

but that price is higher than ones rated at or near the same.

like for the one ehiem 2028 for 200 dollars rated for 158 gallons
I0 can get 2 fluval 404 for 100 each rated at 100 gallons each

and thats the one with out the heater

what about the ones with the one giant filter thing????
how do thoes compare? whats the difference?
click here for an example of what im talking about
fluval sucks.. :D I hate them...I'd never ever go back to a fluval after using the Xp3
I've just bought myself an Eheim and i'm a very happy boy now :D
eheim all the way :nod:
I got the 2215 and 2213 working together and I only clean the filters every 1.5 months, and that's because I have real plants, who's leaves decay and get in :angry:
eheim for build quality alone. seen lots of threads on here about clips breaking and leaking fluvals. Though sure they are better now.

i have to get a bigger tank now and i want one custom to take up this recess in my wall, so i dont really have the money for thoes ehiems right now.
i would need 2 of them my tank is going to be at least 350 gallons
i might split it in 2 and make them a bit taller so 200 gallons each

then i definatly wont have any money left for thoes filters
ill just have to put a million of thoes cheap hanging ones on lol

i just got this midas (i wasent planning on getting it kinda just happened) and he is almost 9 inches the 40 i have him in for now is just too small

i know this is crazy but i was thinking about getting a devoi once i get thoes tanks done and putting it with the midas

and keeping the other half for smaller calm colorful cichlids

i dont know ill probally wait till the last possible second to decide
Get an eheim classic, i saw a 2217 on ebay the other day for £30, get 2 of them
The bacteria that perform the biological filtration use Oxygen in the process of converting Ammonia->Nitrite->Nitrate. The greater the Oxygen concentration in the water, the more effective the bacterial conversion goes. Wet and dry systems, biowheels, and certain types of trickle filters expose the bacteria to atmosheric air, hence Oxygen.

I have tried an Eheim Wet and dry, didn't keep it though. My biological load is not high enough to warrant it, the surging you get from the units was disruptive to my CO2 systems effectiveness, and it made a noise which my Classics don't.

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