Candy has dropsy!!! Please for fast answer!


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
My little Candy, my betta, has dropsy!! I'm 100% sure. He is pine coning and is bloated!!
I called my friend before if she could bring me some aquarium salt for his holes in his tail and we noticed right away that he is pine coning, though his pine coning isn't that bad. For now...
I'll do a thorough cleaning of the tank, I have aquarium salt (I have no Epsom salts) and I've got this veterinary medicine for fish that treats internal bacteria:




Now the dosing, note- his tank is 30ltr. Should I add aquarium salt to support?

What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? It's usually cause by poor water quality.
His tank is cycled. Ammonia and nitrite are 0ppm and nitrtate is usually 20-25 ppm or more, maybe less.
Do you recommend me using the med I listed in the first post or the rest of aquarium salt?
What med is it?
You could try it and the salt. Do a 90% water change first
I don't know what the ingredients are in the medication but use salt and the medication. Use both and hopefully it will help.

Clean the tank before you use the medication. Wipe the inside of the glass down, do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate, and clean the filter before using chemical medications.

Remove carbon from the filter and increase aeration when using chemicals.
I don't know what the ingredients are in the medication but use salt and the medication. Use both and hopefully it will help.

Clean the tank before you use the medication. Wipe the inside of the glass down, do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate, and clean the filter before using chemical medications.

Remove carbon from the filter and increase aeration when using chemicals.
That's just the same exact thing.. I will do it.. I will.. anything for my little Candy. I'll also move the mollies shrimp etc to my 33 gallon and I'll leave just Candy there and I'll give him the medicine and salt, and his sponge filter is not carbon, and I'll put in an airstone in his tank.
Pray for my little Candy... :X:-(
When my fish have had dropsy, I’ve used epsom salt instead of aquarium salt. I treat the tank with an antibiotic and a bacterial to fight bacteria combined. I then place a teaspoon of epsom salt in a 1/2 gallon of dechlorinated water (same temp as tank water). Dissolve salt well and allow fish to sit in bath for 10 minutes. Then place him back in tank. You can do this twice a day. Epsom salt draws fluid out. Aquarium salt on the hand, may retain fluid.
When my fish have had dropsy, I’ve used epsom salt instead of aquarium salt. I treat the tank with an antibiotic and a bacterial to fight bacteria combined. I then place a teaspoon of epsom salt in a 1/2 gallon of dechlorinated water (same temp as tank water). Dissolve salt well and allow fish to sit in bath for 10 minutes. Then place him back in tank. You can do this twice a day. Epsom salt draws fluid out. Aquarium salt on the hand, may retain fluid.
I just ordered some Epsom salts yesterday. Should arrive this week or this Saturday.

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