Canadian Betta


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton AB Canada
Does anyone know where a good place to order bettas is. In Canada. I live in canada and can't afford the shipping from all over the place.
I think bcbettas is in Canada, and we also have members on the forum who are breeders in Canada. What are you looking for specifically? :thumbs:
All I can seem to find where I live is veiltails. I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada. Any thing with beauty and grace. Females are almost impossible to find here, so a female would be nice.
im in BC canada, and can find nice females here.... if you really wanted me to, i could pick some up for you and ship them to you
Yep both me n nibbles are in van bc canada and we get lots of nice females... you want a crowntail?? I know this shop that has really nice ones like white or black and other colour crowntail bettas... they also have halfmoons and deltas sometimes.... they aalso have some dubbletails too :thumbs:
betta lova & nibbles. I live in the sunny okanagan valley 6 hrs away from you both. I was wanting to know where you get your bettas from in Vancouver?

Have you noticed a difference in store bought bettas compared to buying them from a breeder as far as the length of time they live for?

Who are some of the good betta breeders in the Vancouver area?

bugsy..... :D :rolleyes:
Thanx for BcBetta link. I have found one that I like. I also get his spawn sis. What do u think?


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I would get a mustard gas :nod: lol I hate taht stuuuuuuupiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddd Parah lady that put this mustard gas betta on hold that I wanted! Its about 10$... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR STUPID PARAH!!!!!!!

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