Can You Train Assassin Snails? Lol


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Village of the Dammed!
this may be a silly question... but here goes anyway.... I have some assassin snails which just love to invite my pond snails for dinner
... i'd love a big apple snail but am concerned he (or she lmao) would become main course ... will assassins bother with something much bigger than themselves???
I don't think they can be trained away from ertain food sources, though whether or not they'd go for the apple snail is something I'm not completely sure on. I'd guess that it depends on the size of the apple snail and the availability of other food sources. If there are plenty of pond snails around for them to munch on and the apple snail is a lot bigger, I'd guess that they're unlikely to go for it. It'd seem to make sense, however, that if there aren't many pond snails and/or the apple snail isn't that big, they may go for it.
this may be a silly question... but here goes anyway.... I have some assassin snails which just love to invite my pond snails for dinner
... i'd love a big apple snail but am concerned he (or she lmao) would become main course ... will assassins bother with something much bigger than themselves???

I don't believe that assassins would go after a good sized apple snail.
assassins wont go near an adult apple, but will obviously munch on babies should there be any.
assassins wont go near an adult apple, but will obviously munch on babies should there be any.

Cheers... I had plenty of pond snails but a combination of my ninja assassin snails and me not allowing my daughter free range at feeding time means they are in shorter supply .... may try n buy a nice big one and see how we go :)

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