Can You Play Wow On A Laptop?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
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Im just wondering if it could work cause itll be easier for me to play on a laptop while my family can use our desktop for thier business and school work. Im really anxious to play WoW and with a laptop I could play more often and in a more comfortable enviroment.

Heres an laptop that im intrested in Ive checked it and it looks good enough to run WoW although Im not sure if its processor is as fast as a pentium 4.
just check the recommended specs on the back of the game and compare with the laptop if the specs match or are better then it will run just fine on a laptop
It may be more annoying without a mouse, but thats about it. As long as you have the specs needed or specified on the back of the WOW box then you should be fine.
Yup, I say you need to add a mouse, my laptop would of broke alot earlier if I didn't have a mouse. Just for those of you who are curious of how it broke, some numb nut spilt Diet Coke onto the keyboard, tsk mothers. But hey, we got 3x as much money back as we paid for it, no we didn't steal it, we got it off my mams friend who bought it off Orange, I kept complaining and saying "This laptop is crap, why the hell did we pay £500 for it?" then when the insurance came, I started jumping around. Got a brand new comp that is about 5x as good, and still got £800 to spare, well, that was until my brother got a psp and my mam bought odd bits and bobs like hoovers, and then sold the rest of the vouchers for cash to her friend who was buying a washing machine with it, man why do I always end up telling a life story?
Anyway, I personally don't like laptops, and after owning both a Desktop and a Laptop, you do get more for your money with a Desktop, the only thing good about laptops is they are space saving and transportable, that is the only good thing about them, you could buy a laptop for say £1000, and get a £400 computer with exactly the same specs, look at me for example. My laptop was worth £1500, and we bought a new computer for £700 that was miles better, and it has a 17" Flat Panel TFT Screen.

Im 100% sure you can play WoW on that laptop :D . My laptops got half the ram and a 1.6Ghz Celeron and stupid intel intergrated graphics(still better than my old desktop) but it still plays WoW great. A mouse is ESSENTIAL though, playing it with the touchpad makes you want to hurt noobs :shifty: .
Laptop should play it just fine if it meets the specs, and your internet connection is atleast 56k. It really is an awsome game. :good:
I play mine pretty well on my laptop and the gfx card sucks. I have intel dual core 1.6ghz cpu. It aint that pretty but its alot better IMO to play on laptop

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