Can You Mix A Betta With Platys?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
You know, those betta's are darn seductive!

My 126 litre [cycling] currently has 4 platys in it and I keep changing my mind as to what I am eventually going to put in there but I've pretty much decided that as well as the 4 platys, 2 dwarf gouramis are going to be introduced eventually, but

I would really love a betta! A male one too!

However, it's niggling at the back of my mind that someone told me not to keep platys and betta's together as sometimes the male betta will go for the platys. Is this true? Or are they compatible tank mates?

As a last resort, I do have what is going to be my quarentine tank [25 litre] and I was thinking when I've stocked the 126 litre, I could put my betta [I've already thought of a name] in there and he could live all by himself. However, this leaves me without a quaretine tank :/

What do you lot think?
I have got 5 Platies in with my Bux my male betta and there all fine.


It all depends on the fish. Some are more aggresive than others. most of the time they are fine together though. It all depends on the betta.
Karen he is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

I *should* be able to have my betta then! :D

I'll just make sure he is my last fish, that way if there are any problems with him, he can go and live in my quarentine tank and I'll talk the other half into letting me get another quarentine tank

I have also kept a male betta with 2-3 platys and they get on fine. The betta has flared up at them once or twice but nothing more. Would definatley recommend mixing them although depends on the temperament of the betta you get.
don't put a betta in with gouramis
that's a big no no
they don't get on

like someone said bettas can go with platies
as long as the tank has enough space and hiding places
some bettas will get freaked out by the platies bright colours
or you might get a naturally angry betta that likes to take chunks out of other fish
or at the other end of the scale you could get a hippy betta who just loves everyone
just keep an eye on him

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