Can You Make Your Own Pond Filter?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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ive been looking for a filter for my pond, yet as its only small, all the filters for sale seem far too big (and expnsive) is it possible to make a filter? if so how would i go about it?
It shouldn't be too hard to make yourself a gravity filter, provided you can position it higher up than the pond,

You can take an old dustbin or similar container etc,

cut one hole in the bottom and another one or two at the top

push some suitable sized hose through the hole and seal it into place using a non-toxic silicon

The bottom hole will be the inlet to the filter, the hose attached to this end should go down into the pond and be attached to a suitably sized pump

The top one or two holes are then outlets which run back down into the pond
sorry mixmaster that link doesnt work for me :(

im confused now though, should the inlet be at the top or bottom??
sorry mixmaster that link doesnt work for me :(

im confused now though, should the inlet be at the top or bottom??

In a gravity filter the pump pushes the water into the filter at the bottom, the water rises up through the media and then it flows back out through the outlets at the top and back down into the pond
This is how I made a Filter for my parents pond.


I've sunk 3/4 into the ground so there is only about 30cm above ground but the plants hide it & the outlet pipe is about 15cm above the pond water level.

You can use your favorite bio-media I used 80 pot scrubbers plus bio-media & sponges from the old filter, the wadding is used to polish the water when needed.

It was so easy to make & cheap too, maybe £20.

Same as this one, just a different shape.

hello I made one filter for my pond of 500 liters and this is working for me keeps my water clear and i'm happy

but i'm still planing in making a bigger one

hope the pics help you

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