Fish Herder
should i put albino b/n plc in with my brown breeding pair, will the interbreed, i guess they will, will the offspring be mixed or with one or other? di
should i put albino b/n plc in with my brown breeding pair, will the interbreed, i guess they will, will the offspring be mixed or with one or other? di
i have a breeding group of brown b/n and im getting some albinos, i can either add them to the adult browns which is a bigger tank, or i can keep them seperate in a smaller tank, would i get like mungrel ie, not one nor the other, or would some be brown and some be abino, or its it better to keep them totally apart, like endler and guppies. di
i have a adult breeding pair in a fifty gal tank, and all the offspring in the 25 gal tank, which tank would you add 6 baby albino's too, once they sex up i can maybe add an adult female abino to the pair in the 50 gal tank, as for how many young in the 25 gal tank, prob 30 or so 1" - 2" and will be gone once i can sell them. di
yep i think thats a good idea, id do that, thanks jake.