Can You I.d This Rock, Is It Safe For Aquarium


Aug 24, 2011
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isle of skye highlands
hi everyone. i have loads of this rock and wondered if its safe for use in my tank. im sure i have seen rocks on here with very similar coloursm its very dark grey/black with white swirls throgh it. i poured some vinigar on it and it did not fizz. here is picture of it, its lovely rock and i have a few tonne of it so would be handy if i could use it
Vinegar isn't really a strong enough acid for testing rocks IME; rust remover is best.

I'd try filling two identical containers with water; put your rock in one and then test both for pH (and hardness if you can) after a few days and see if the readings differ.
cheers for that mate, have put it in water and will test it with liquid api test kit, its out of date but should be ok? i only bought it a few weeks ago and the ph bottle is past its shelf life
That's a good sign, though I'd do a hardness test before I used it, but I keep mostly softwater fish; yours might not mind so much.
its going to be a cichlid tank and my water is very hard so i dont think it will affect it much. i will put it in the tank and leave it for a week or so and then do ph and hardness test. i dont have a liquid test for hardness, only the strips. you think its worth buying the liquid one?
The hardness test is really not necessary. If you were dissolving the rock in the water, you would see it in the pH reading.

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