Can you have to many plants.

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May 26, 2023
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I posted a while back about fish eating my plants, so replaced a lot of them. My tank is 60ltr and I have 6 black neons, 5 harlequin Rasbora, and 5 zebra Danio there are also a number of amano shrimp and striped snails. Since replacing my plants the new ones have grown quite large, Anubis, Amazon sward and java fern. My question is can you over plant a tank? And would it stress the fish? I ask because one of my guys has started showing signs of Dropsy, erratic swimming.
Plants are generally good for the water, and thus the fish… but at some point they could encroach enough, that there is not enough free swimming space… many smaller species, are happy going from leaf to leaf, but several species need free swimming space as well…

I’m getting to the point of needing to trim my plants in a couple of tanks as well…

I think in your particular case, the Zebras like having swimming spaces
Thanks, though I'd post a pick


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Plants can choke each other out, and you need some space for fish.
But dropsy is kidney failure. It is either the result of an internal infection, old age or a drop in water quality. As long as you're doing the needed weekly water changes and haven't introduced any new fish recently, it could also be a random health breakdown in one individual fish. I wouldn't expect it to be linked to plant growth.
Your tank isn't too heavily planted and the fish should be fine like that.

You do have a lot of Malaysian livebearer (trumpet) snails.

Dropsy is not related to the plants in any way. The fish has an internal problem and will probably die.
Your tank isn't too heavily planted and the fish should be fine like that.

You do have a lot of Malaysian livebearer (trumpet) snails.

Dropsy is not related to the plants in any way. The fish has an internal problem and will probably die.
Yea the Trumpets are relentless
Thanks Guys, I'm guessing the Dropsy is an age thing , water is spot on and I do my Water changes every week, typically 33.3% 20ltr. And (touch wood) fish have been doing grate the last 12 months. Thanks again for the advise. 😺

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