Can you give your freshwater fish pieces of bread


Moved On
Mar 17, 2004
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King of Prussia, PA

Can you give your freshwater fish pieces of bread like whole weat bread and what not?

I have seen people feeding fish in the ocean with bread. IT is used in Hawaii to let torists hand feed the fish. Is it bad for them in any way? Could it be done in a freshwater tank?
I've read it can cause their gut to swell up - therefore bad idea - but I am a novice so better confirm from an expert.
The answer is No. It will cause untold damage to their digestive system. The wheat and gluten in bread is detrimental to fish, and the fat content will damage their liver. The first signs of problems will be constipation in your fish. This can be identified by long trailing faeces. A healthy fish should rarely be seen with faeces behind it. feeding bread is also a sure way of polluting your tank and cause mould to form in the uneaten pieces that will inevitably fall to the bottom.
As to other peoples uneaten food. Why on earth would you want to feed your fish that. They are FISH, not humans........
Feeding in the open waters is far far different to feeding in the confines of a pond or a tank.
Stick to fish food for your fish, and human food for humans, that is the safest way to keep both species happy!
theres much better stuff you can use if you want to hand feed your dish- bloodworm/frozen fish food cuby things (unfrozen of course) etc a bit ikky to handle but i use the packets of boodworm squeeze a bit on my fingers stick them in the tank & all our fishies in the tank go mad...nibble nibble...nibble!!! lots of fun :D
you could, but it wouldn't do them much good

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