can yo tell me which plants to get

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paco king

New Member
Jun 11, 2003
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i am setting up 2 tanks and i would like to know which plant are the best and can survive under wanter! because i brought someplants and they all went to pecies! and can you tell me how to grow the plants and raise them to become stong healthy plants? please!!!!!!!!!!!! :/ :no: :*)
Go to your LFS and they most probably have a good selection of aquatic plants. The need a good substrate - I use gravel - and good lighting. BTW, if you intend using plants in a cichlid tank - don't bother, they would use them as a salad bar :) The only plants that i can keep in my cichlid tank is java fern - the fish obviously don't like it, anything else gets eaten as fast as I put it in, so now I don't bother.
I agree with Gad on the cichlid tank......mine think that anything like food is for them to


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