Can We All Stop Jumping On Everyone?


I agree. I just joined and think to keep new members around, you have to be nice.

Cory Crazy
I've noticed myself being impatient and mean lately, I will watch out for myself now! It's stupid to be cranky on this site! Everyone is in the same boat!
Fenwoman havn't you heard that kids keep you young? :rofl: Personally I'd like to find the person that started that rumor and give them mine for a day.
If you find it fustrating answering the same questions over and over again, then simply don't answer them- there are thousands of people on this forum, chances are that if you don't reply to a thread, then someone else will sooner or later (especially if it is a really easy question to answer because it is asked so often) over the following days.
Either that, simply copy and paste info from the pinned articles (there are so many pinned articles on the forum now, most of them cover all of the most commonly asked questions) or link people to them.

Wilder spends a lot of time in the emergency section because she doesn't mind helping people out with the same issues over and over again because she knows that by helping people out, she is helping save their fishes lives a lot of the time. Wilder certainly contributes a lot to the forum, if she didn't share so much of her time here i'm sure that thousands of threads would have gone un-answered.
She has her own reasons for doing what she does, and her own methods of ignoring the fustration of seeing the same sorts of threads being posted every week.
However, when it comes down to it, no one has to reply to anything in any of the threads or posts made on the forum, so just try to keep that in mind if you see another "bala in the 10gal" type of thread :) .

i see and agree with what your saying but you can easily flip that around.

personally i keep replying to the bala in a 10g threads because i dont like to see people keeping fish in a bad way jus like wilder doesnt like seeing fish ill.

i never try to be rude about it tho and always try to explain what they need to do to make it right.

theres the odd person who jus drops a comment in but thats pretty rare and if anyone thinks its not then check out some other forums lol.

the copy and paste thing is a great idea, i used to be on the xbox forums waaaay too much and i had about 5 word docs with the most frequently asked questions ready to be pasted in.

and again, if people think this place is bad for repeat posts. check out the xbox forums. everyother thread is someone trying to connect up to the net with there xbox.
one thing i will say is often people on this forum mis interpret things and decide that someone is upset or annoyed about something when they really aren't bothered. i got accused of flaming someone yesterday which i'm sure is part of the reason this topic was started, i tried to explain myself in public and got jumped on again, i pm'd the original poster who wasn't actually bothered and we get on fine there's no issue..... but yet the topics are still being carried on and debated.

that's not to say no one every gets flamed or looses they're temper, we all have bad days and make bad descisions from tiem to time. but i think if you actually delved into a lot of these cases you'd find the person being accused and the 'victim' actually have no issue whatsoever and it's just others making a fuss out of it.

like the pc brigade banning xmas tree's for fear of offending muslims who actually couldn't give a toss! :rolleyes:
I have also seen this forum go down over the past few years since i joined which is why I don't bother posting much anymore.

Whats the point in taking the time to do a long detailed answer to someone only to be told "thats a load of rubbish my LFS told me....." . Or half the time it's the case of needing a bigger tank....."yeh i'm getting a xxxg in 2 months"...yer right!

I can't be bothered to waste my time on people like this, yes older members have got more agresive in there answers, maybe it's the only way the people asking the questions will listen sometimes.
I did one of these threads, with nothing but people getting ticked for me making it. What makes you think you will be the one to change this fourm to a more friendly environment and not the 200 other members who've tried and failed? Underwurlde I totally agree with you.
humm wonder why your thread was so badly received.

...... some members are 13 years old, while others are 30 years old .....

Some of us are a good deal older than 30 - it's you youngsters who fly off the handle at the drop of a hat - or at the hint of a criticism :p

I don't think the thread is pointless if it makes even one person think a bit more about their replies. :good:
we all have our moments, but some members, seem to take, constructive advice as criticism.

Fenwoman havn't you heard that kids keep you young? :rofl: Personally I'd like to find the person that started that rumor and give them mine for a day.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: too true
I reckon it's just human nature for many people to want their exact situation discussed to them personally, so there will always be duplicate postings.
I also think that the posts which are most irritating are those from people who just will not listen to the advice given. particularly when it takes the form of "... but I already SAID that I'm getting a new tank when I move house in around 12 months time...!!" or whatever.
The next most irritating is when people just seem to almost deliberately misunderstand what is said, just by assuming the worst. I think everyone is guilty of that when they're feeling tired and grumpy, at least I know i am.
hi,i've read loads of threads today,and im appalled at the way some of the newer members are being spoken to.we should be offering sound and helpful advice not ripping everyones tank to peices.your all telling me none of you keep clown loaches in the wrong size tank????i'm surprised at how these new members stand being spoken to like a peice of rubbish.come on everyone.this is the best forum by miles.stop being horrible to new members and start helping a bit more.

Hey I think this is reasonable considering I have ear batterings of some people telling me the same. People need to understand that so many people give out different advice and help and so many people have different opinions.

There a some very intelligent people on here that have also helped me but in the same way have also been a bit mean.

So thank you Rixy :)
Wow, no matter which forum I go to it's always full of people who seem to think there must be something wrong when 20,000 members (as in this case) give their opinions on stuff and some of those 20,000 disagree with each other and have an argument...

Can someone please show me anywhere on this planet or off it for that matter where 20,000 people can express their opinions without any bitching, flaming, arguments.
Wow, no matter which forum I go to it's always full of people who seem to think there must be something wrong when 20,000 members (as in this case) give their opinions on stuff and some of those 20,000 disagree with each other and have an argument...

Can someone please show me anywhere on this planet or off it for that matter where 20,000 people can express their opinions without any bitching, flaming, arguments.

:nod: :nod:

so true!
Wow, no matter which forum I go to it's always full of people who seem to think there must be something wrong when 20,000 members (as in this case) give their opinions on stuff and some of those 20,000 disagree with each other and have an argument...

Can someone please show me anywhere on this planet or off it for that matter where 20,000 people can express their opinions without any bitching, flaming, arguments.
got it in one. perhaps the post that really answers the thread!!! :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

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