Can tropical fish


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I was just browsing around the lfs (like I always do) and noticed frozen seaweed, squid, krill, etc....and was wondering if my tropical fish could eat this, or would it just cause problems?
I don't know about seaweed and squid, but I've tried krill on my fish but it didn't go down well. I stick to what they like, frozen bloodworm, daphnea, etc. a little flake and fresh veggies.
Hey there- Yes you can feed seaweed/ krill and suid to your tropical fish. My fish love the sheets of dried seaweed. and my balas love the freeze dried krill. Another thing that they love that you wouldn't normally think of feeding to tropicals is freeze dried plankton.
I always try to think about the rivers, lakes, streams in the wild where most of our fish originated from, and imagine the multitude of food items tha tmust be available to them. I'll try feeding them anything at least once or twice (within reason!)...sometimes it takes more than one presentation of the new food item for the fish to actually try it also.
Thanks for the info...I found dried seaweed sheets, and tried it out. It took the big tank awhile to figure out it was for eating. The gouramis and krib loved the stuff. The second day I put it in, it was gone in about ten minutes (instead of the two hours it took the first time). I tried it on my bettas too, and they went nuts for it! :hyper: :hyper: They loved the stuff.
You might also try cucumbers, and peas(canned or frozen, fresh would probably be good too, they usually need smushed), also have heard that some fish like greens(romaine, kale,spinach, etc) but none of my fish seem to eat it. Had a goldfish at one time that liked to eat canned corn kernels. Also had a friend tell me the other day that he had gone fishing and caught quite a few fish underneath an overhanging tree that was dropping fruit into the water, evidently the fish were attracted to it(who knows, it could also have been the bugs attracted to the ripening fruit that they were interested in)

There's all kinds of good fish food out there, we just need to know what to look for.
by seaweed do you mean the stuff you wrap sushi with? i got them at home, what do you think will happen if i threw htem in my tank? :D
cutecotton said:
by seaweed do you mean the stuff you wrap sushi with? i got them at home, what do you think will happen if i threw htem in my tank? :D
Bascially it looks like that......its just dried. You can put some in as long as you wash it good.

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