can this two be kept together?


New Member
Dec 1, 2003
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Colombia, SA
Can goldfish and gouramis be tank mates??? I was told they could but the gouramis bother the goldfish all day.
personally i would say no
the gourami will need heat, the goldfish wont
the goldfish will be dirty, putting more strain on a filter
and yes the gourami may become agressive
Thank you very much for your help. I am going to move the goldfish into a pond then, I am going to keep in my aquarium the two dwarf gouramis, 2 plecos, 2 ghost shrimp and a black swords knife. What other fish can I ad? How many at a time should I buy if its a 33 galon tank? the tank is old, no need to worry about ciclyng.
Thank you very much
I don't know the common name "black sword knife" but pretty much all of the knife fish are predators and will live off smaller items like shrimps and fish - being nocturnal, they often strike at night. Knife fish also tend to get large. You want to think hard about buying a knife fish.

Be careful with plecos as well - there are many that will easily reach 300mm or more.

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