Can This Be Done?


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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I am considering changing my 35 gallon tall (slightly taller than considered tall?) bowfront into a salt water tank for a seahorse tank...

I have fine silica sand that have left over from when i was changing substrates in my freshwater tanks...can I use this sand in a salt water tank or do I have too look into live sand etc?

any one know what type of filter i should get?
I plan also on getting a very good supply of liverock...I have specifically been going to a bunch of my LFS and have a few stores putting aside pieces on hold for me that are more "branchy" in appearance for the seahorses to hold on to...
I have a heater already that can be used in up to 50 I feel covered there...
What type of lighting? I just have the standard bulbs that come with fresh water covers...
I know about power heads to circulate the water behind the liverock.

can you tell me more? :) I would love any and all in put from experienced saltys :)
I wouldn't use the silica sand. Aragonite Based sand is made mostly from calcium carbonate which acts as a nature buffer for the water. There is also debates upon whether silica has any effects upon the living things. Don't bother with live sand, it's a waste of money, just get an aragonite based one.

I'm not a filter savvy person. :(

Lighting, just a plain florescent light will be fine unless you decide to do some soft corals. Corals in a seahorse tank is debated sometimes, because seahorses cannot stand a lot of flow which many corals need. But I believe they are fine with various soft corals which do not have high flow demands. Powerhead is the same deal, you have to be careful. Too much flow will kill them.

Seahorses (especially depending on the species), have special requirements. Make sure you research research research!
Check out Kelwoo's tank thread. they have a lovely small sea horse tank which is well worth a read!

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