Yep plenty of hidey holes and don't be tempted to disturb them, one of my males likes living behind the fake rock wall and often guards eggs behind there. I only know what he's up to coz I can see down the gap on the side of the tank. Also give them timber/ bog wood to rasp at and plenty of plant life (mostly they'll eat it, but some types they will let grow) as well as algea wafers and some type of protein food such as shrimp pellets, mine also go nuts over freshly squashed pond snails and will also eat freeze tried tubifex worms if the cube is pinned down rather than floating around. Don't have 2 males in the same tank they will fight and don't have too many females with the male either 1 or 2 depending on the tank size because the females will also fight over prefered hiding places. Otherwise my BN's just get on with it and I almost always have more babies than I know what to do with. Also doing a water change seems to get my BN's in the mood, along with barametric pressure changes. I rely on my fish a lot to tell me what the weather is doing
they (along with other natural/ native yard inhabitants) seem to be better than any weather forecaster
. Good luck with the breeding and should you get fry remember to increase the food (that's where real plants come into their own) beause 100 hungry mouths quickly become starving and dying babies, babies will also benefit from having bog wood right from the start of their tiny lives, that's often where I first see the little dears munching on the timber.