Are there any discolourations around the "bend"? Has the "bend" developed or has it always been there? What time span are we talking about?
Bent spines is a symptom of at least two quite different problems but increasingly common problems with Neons.
The intense breeding regimes used in fish farms encourage inbreeding which generates a lot of simply deformed fish. Typically, such deformities are culled, but not always, and some deformities develop with age. This type of deformity is quite common, and non-contagious.
If the deformity is new and developing, then a worry is always infestation with Sporozoan parasites. This, again, has become vastly more common in recent years because of the poor hygiene used at the mass production farms. It is also known as "Neon Tetra Disease", which is a poor name as many species can suffer from the infestation. TYpically, a fish infected with Sporozoans develops cysts internally which as they grow, cause the body to deform, and in bad cases can "corrugate" a sufferer. This condition is contagious and you should isolate the fish, and euthenise if the diagnosis is sure.
Another possibility is physical damage. Poor catching/handling can damage fish of any type. Has the fish been moved recently? Was it okay before?
More info needed really, but think about these possibilities.