Can Someone Recommend A Good Gravel Hoover


Fish Crazy
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can recommend a good gravel hoover/cleaner, I need one that doesn't rely on me pumping it up and down in the tank (which I can't do as I have a disability which stops me doing this).

To get it started, you can just suck on the other end of the tube like most of the old timers do.
I've tried that serveral times (hate to think how much fish poo I've swallowed!!) and I just can't get the blooming thing going. So I thought I'd go for the easier option.

Hi Schmill,

Thanx for the suggestion but I have trouble using one of my hands so anything that invovles squeezing or twisting causes me a lot of pain. Ideally I need something that I can just stick in the tanks and move around and it does all the work.

Thanx anyway,
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can recommend a good gravel hoover/cleaner, I need one that doesn't rely on me pumping it up and down in the tank (which I can't do as I have a disability which stops me doing this).


the Eheim battery powered gravel cleaner gets good comments. can be bought for £30-50. it does nothing to help with water changes. still more than a few, on here, use one.
Hi Boboboy,

Thanx for that :good:

I'll have a look around for one of those.........I can manage to do the water changes ok it's just the hoovering I have problems with so this sounds like it could do the job.

Thanx again,
Hi Leanne,

If thats what you are after then the following place does a coupple of types. Not sure if they are the cheapest, but just wanted to give you an idea what you are looking for :)

Power Gravel Vacs
I have the marina multi vac which is quite good. It comes with a sock type looking bag, and just put it in the tank press the button and the batterys kick in and suck the water up and back into the tank, collecting all the "crap" in the meshy sock. For water changes just buy a length of plastic tube and unclip the sock filter and put the tube onto that and press the button and the batters suck the water up again out the pipe.

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