Can someone post a pic of...


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I want to see what they mean by ready to "pop"
I don't have a pic because just before birth my females hide and won't let me photograph them. When they say ready to burst, they mean like when you look at the guppy you are sure they are going to explode.....the skin is stretched so tight around their bellies that they have no colour there and appear silver.....kinda looks scary. You also start wondering how they manage to stay upright in the water let alone swim around :p
I scanned this from a book of mine. Its quite interesting really, maybe not graphically :no: , but its amazing biologically :p :lol:

Why don't you take a look at this thread. There are some videos of guppys actually giving birth. :blink:

mr_miagi32, are you sure that's a Guppy? The body shape and markings don't look quite right...

Anyway, yes, the link Faze Posted has good videos..also try here:

Fish Index - Guppy

Snowyangel has a picture of her female Guppy, and she looks pretty pregnant to me. :thumbs:
Annastasia said:
mr_miagi32, are you sure that's a Guppy? The body shape and markings don't look quite right...
Yeah, sorry, i neglected to mention that is not a guppy! But it is infact a one sided livebearer! :nod:

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